Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mont Blanc Prize awarded to Chiharu Shiota

The Montblanc brand is historically and naturally bound to artistic creation, to the art of writing, of expressing thoughts and staging them. This intellectual dimension of the brand is part of its genes and did not stop developing through its products but also through its communication in its widest meaning. It opened itself at multiple artistic forms as classical music, opera, contemporary painting, and more recently cinema and photography.

Montblanc supports numerous projects in those different domains. Particularly through its Cultural Foundation which rewards every year, since 1992, illustrious Arts sponsors in 11 different countries, of which France of course.

It was thus natural to sponsor the Mont Blanc Docks Art fair prize which distinguishes the best of contemporary artistic creation in such eclectic domains.

Chiharu Shiota, the winner of this year's award, will have an exhibition in October in the new shop of the brand, Place Vendôme, in Paris.

The committee, specially joined together for this occasion, is:

Paul Ardenne, art critic and French curator - Paris

Marc Blondeau, modern and contemporary art expert - Geneva

Olivier Houg, Olivier Houg Galerie director, Docks Art fair art director - Lyon

Hélène Kelmachter, cultural attaché of the French embassy in Japan - Tokyo

Ingrid Roosen, worldwide director of the cultural affairs at Mont Blanc - Germany

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